C•CURE 9000 Security + Event Management
The Software House CCURE9000 is one of the industry’s most powerful and flexible security management systems. Monitor events, manage personnel, create reports, display dynamic views, monitor system activity, view video, and manage visitors anywhere in the world directly from your PC using the full C•CURE client, the web client or on the move with C•CURE Gomobile app.
- OSDP support for reader to panel communications on iSTAR Ultra Series controllers
- Supports up to 5,000 readers per single server and 40 satellite application server scalability for Enterprise systems
- Enterprise system remains operational throughout upgrade process with multi-version software support
- Access to CCURE9000 from any internet browser with C•CURE Web
- Administer and monitor CCURE9000 from your mobile device with C•CURE Go
- Software House Connected Partner Program for standards-based integrations
- Part of the Cyber Protection Program to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities
C•CURE 9000 Standalone and SAS values (Default/Maximum)1 L5 M5 N5 P5 Q6 R6 R Plus6 S6 S Plus6 T6 Online Readers 16 32 64 128 256 512 1,000 2,500 3,500 5,000 C•CURE Go Reader (Mobile) 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 0/30 Online Inputs 1k 1k 1k 5k/10k 5k/10k 5k/10k 7.5k/10k 10k 15k 20k Online Outputs 1k 1k 1k 5k/10k 5k/10k 5k/10k 7.5k/10k 10k 15k 20k Enabled Personnel Records 7k 12k 40k 45k 250k 250k 250k 500k 500k 500k Concurrent Clients3 10/30 10/30 10/30 20/256 30/256 40/256 80/256 100/256 100/256 100/256 Concurrent Badging Clients 1/30 1/30 1/30 2/256 2/256 3/256 5/256 10/256 10/256 10/256 1Default is the value included with each license model. Maximum is the value that can be purchased and added to a system license up to that amount.
2Global personnel records are the maximum supported as an aggregate across the total number of SAS servers in addition to the SAS server local personnel records.
3Simultaneous client or Concurrent client connections are tabulated by C•CURE 9000 Administration, Alarm Monitoring, and Web Client connections. C•CURE 9000 is designed to be flexible and allow for expansion. The 100 is a design capability while the tested limit is 10. System performance will vary depending upon specific hardware configuration including number of communication lines/ports, download/upload frequency, etc.
5The baseline capabilities of the system are within the envelope of operation for utilization of SQL Express.
6(SQL and SQL Express): An SQL Express license is shipped with every system software DVD package. Series Q through T require a full SQL Server Standard or Enterprise (64-bit) license which may be purchased separately. CCURE9000