Guard Tour Checking System
TouchChecker is the most advanced Guard tour checking and monitoring system with reader module using the contact iButton™ & RFID Tag. It can be usually used for checking how patrolmen work well in their areas. Additionally it can be used in Asset Tracking, Time Card, Nurse Charting, Labor Tracking, Gate Entrance, Hotel Security and Building Security.
TouchChecker Full Kit (Includes Checking Machine, Data Transmitter/Charger and 10 RFID Tags)
Checking Machine
TouchChecker Data Transmitter & Charger
Improve Your Guard Tour Systems With TouchChecker Devices
No matter how big or small your facility is, it’s still necessary for your guards to patrol your premises, especially at night. Doing so lets them spot unauthorized people lurking around and apprehend them if necessary. For this reason, it’s wise for employers to set up a guard tour system that can help their security personnel with their job.
If you want to have your own guard tour systems, be sure to use high-quality devices. We offer them here at Internet of Things Philippines Inc. The tools and gadgets we offer come from a trusted supplier like TouchChecker.
Reasons To Choose TouchChecker
Investing in TouchChecker devices will be extremely beneficial for your company. Here are a few reasons to choose this manufacturer if you ever want to acquire some tools for your guard tour systems:
High-Quality Products
The gadgets used for guard tour systems should be tough, so they won’t get damaged quickly. Thankfully, the items you can get from TouchChecker are incredibly durable. Some of them are waterproof, so they won’t malfunction even when they get wet. There are also options that are covered in a robust casing to prevent them from breaking easily.
User-Friendly Devices
TouchChecker also offers user-friendly products. This means your security guards will not find it hard to operate the devices you gave them. You can also save a lot of resources because you no longer have to spend time and money for training your personnel.
Full Kit Options
Perfect for startups and other small companies, the full kit of TouchChecker devices contains all of the essential tools for guard tour systems. This means that you won’t have to invest in other machines and spend more doing so.
Give Us a Call Today
If you wish to procure new devices for your guard tour systems, Internet of Things Philippines Inc. can help. Reach out to our team today to learn about the TouchChecker devices we offer.