High performance RFID tag
Omni-ID Exo 700 is a small form factor, high performance RFID tag optimized for attachment to metal assets. Designed as a global product with a durable encapsulation, Exo 700 has excellent vibration performance with an ability to be deployed in harsh industrial and outdoor environments across the globe.
- As the first dual band (ETSI & FCC) ceramic tag, the Exo 700 is ideally suited to track assets that may move location frequently such as:
- Weapons
- Tools & Die
- Industrial Assets
- Sub Assemblies
- IT Assets
Finish Durable Thermoplastic Material Read Range Up to 5.5m (Fixed Reader)
Up to 3.5m (Handheld Reader)On Metal or Balanced Optimized for metal Flat version Size 30 × 21 × 6.35 (mm)
1.18 × 0.83 × 0.25 (in)Weight 75.0 g Frequency Range (MHz) 865.6-867.6 (ETSI)
915-925 (FCC)IC Type Alien Higgs 3 User Memory (bits 512 bits Operating Temperature –20 to +85°C Shock and Vibration MIL 810-F Attachment Film adhesive (standard) - Exo700